Thursday 3 November 2016

In anticipation of Rogue Stars

Doggo the Bruise. Quite a notorious mercenary, plying his trade in the colonies. He's small, hard-bitten, and rather shoots people to slag than ask questions. As long as the money is right. 

This is the Smudgester (B) miniature from What a nice and characterful little chap. I finally got around to painting him up riding out on the enthusiasm of the Rogue Stars nickstarter. I've been looking forward to that game for quite a while, and now that its nearing release I thought I'd better start getting some stuff painted.

He's tiny though, so was pretty hard to get in focus with my shoddy light set-up. And green is ont my strongest colour. Still, I think he turned out pretty nicely.

Ruff dudes lookin' for trouble.

Thursday 20 October 2016

Some artwork

We're having a campaign day locally, so I drew this piece to serve as a banner for the event.

Sunday 2 October 2016

Song of Gods and Glory - Part II: Plaguelings and Retinue tables.

Moving on, the next element of Pestifex' retinue. I managed to roll up a whopping 4 Plaguelings: Small and mischievous demon-children of the Plague-Father.

Saturday 1 October 2016

Song of Gods and Glory - Part I: Pestifex

During a campaign in the buzzing south, a young mercenary had suddenly fallen ill. At first, and for many weeks, it merely manifested as boils in the crevices of the body. Painful if touched but discrete enough to go unnoticed by his comrades. But then came the fever, and the young mercenary spent more and more of his time retired in the wagons or in his tent. Until there came a time when the company had been camping for a week and he had not shown his face but once.
At last, his fellow soldiers grew worried. What they found as they entered the tent was as repulsive as it was horrifying. Sitting, hunched over and draped in ragged cloth, was a pale wretch of the young mercenary, surrounded by the rot and filth of numerous dead beings.
And he turned his head and spread his arms wide:

“I welcome you, my brotherssss.”

From the filth crawled forth numerous demons, cackling and grimacing.

Thursday 25 August 2016


Here's a quick only semi-miniature related post. Fished out my tablet again, and drew this:

'Scourge' - RH 2016

Friday 12 August 2016


 Preparing for an experiment into a homebrew "big battle" SoBH in a couple of weeks, I've added to my greenskin forces, making this small warband.

They'll form one of 3 subdivisions in the overall force.
As 'ard as dey get, at least according to Torkborg himself. A claim he backs up with a bloody big mace.

Wednesday 10 August 2016


In a barren pass, a warband of chaos fights its way through an orc ambush.
I am slowly working away at a proper chaos retinue, inspired ye' olde Path of Glory. Its a theme I find myself returning to continously. Warbands of crazed followers of dark gods, mutated with barely understood eldritch magic running trough their veins and battling for a faint chance of eternal glory, their ultimate fate most likely being madness... that's some cool imagery, and quite fertile grounds for modelling projects. 

Tuesday 2 August 2016

lil' bugger

A goblin with that big of a smile can only be up to mischief. 

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Orc Chief

.... aaaaand I am back to painting fantasy. In preparation for a project I am working on, I've started painting up some more fantasy models. This orc is a cheap one from CP Models that I've had for a long while. Not a super impressive sculpt, but I like it. It has something of a simple charm about it.

I've been experimenting with under-painting using matt medium, very much inspired by the style of Delaney King (and a couple others). The orc took me an hour from black base coat to finish, which is a time I am very happy with, considering the result.

Sunday 12 June 2016


Kaya works as part of a specialist Insurgence Team of the Civilian Security Corps, Civsec, classed with the investigation and neutralisation of criminals beyond the scope of the street officers. Their work often brings them into heated conflicts with the various gangs of the Low Security Sectors, and thus the teams are chosen and trained as regular soldiers. Apprehension is not always an option, or even financially desirable, and a Civsec Insertion Team will not hesitate to use lethal force if necessary.
Lately, Kaya and her team has been investigating the heightened trade of illegal body-augs, and unauthorized cult-like rituals and activities in concurrence with this.

Kaya is sharp of mind and eye. A Sharpshooter of the highest calibre, though years of service has left her personality a bit grim. She is wholly committed to her job, and has even had certain augs of her own, improving on both her physical and mental abilities.

There's a bit more of a ramble about the painting of the mini over on LAF

Sunday 8 May 2016

If in doubt, apply more knight!

So I've finally managed to snap some pics of something I've painted again. They are rather poor, as my camera is just that - The only way of taking pictures available to me right now is my busted up old iPhone 3g's camera.
Still, I thought I'd update the blog, especially since I am quite happy with how the minis turned out.

First up is the (now) alternate frostgrave Knight sculpt. I have it from back in the first Nickstarter where it was a freebie:
Sir Einar Fiskersøn